At Mid-America College, you can take one course or an entire degree—100% online, 100% accredited, and 100% Mid-America. It’s not just about convenience. It’s about connections—whether you’re in Memphis, Tennessee, or Memphis, Egypt. You not only get access to a world-class education—anytime, anywhere—you’re also connected with Mid-America faculty who are committed to being involved in students’ lives. And you’re networked into the student community, a family you take with you as you explore your future.
The College offers courses online through our state-of-the-art online learning platform accessible in the Mid-America Portal. The benefits of this system include providing educational opportunities for students whose residence and/or work schedule prevents them from attending residential classes.
Courses involve a variety of methodologies. Instruction may include video, PowerPoint, text instruction, and independent tasks, such as research projects and papers. Some courses include hyperlinked projects, such as preaching videos, historical journals, biblical studies, and geographical mapping. Each class includes interaction through methods, such as chat rooms, forums, threads, email, and video conferencing. Quizzes, assignments, and tests may also be conducted through the online course management system.
Students and professors can interact through the various features of online courses. Enrollment occurs through the standard registration process.
Equipping you for wherever God leads.