Mid-America College is the undergraduate school of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. As such, it functions under the mission statement of Mid-America Seminary:

Our Purpose

The primary purpose of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary is to provide graduate theological training for effective service in church-related and mis­sions vocations through its main campus and designated branch campuses. Undergraduate training is also provided for effective Christian leadership in various fields. Other levels of training are also offered.

Mid-America attempts to guide students into a thorough understanding of the Bible and its relevance for today, preparing those who have been called of God to preach and teach the Word of God. Further preparation is offered through instruction in preaching, counseling, administration, and cross-cultural ministry. In addition, all graduate and doctoral stu­dents are required to participate in the Witness One:Seven Program of the school and are encouraged to be involved in churches during their seminary days. Undergraduate students are encouraged but not required to participate in the Practical Missions program. In addition, all students are encouraged to be involved in churches.

Mid-America College is the undergraduate school of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. As such, it functions under the mission statement of Mid-America Seminary. Within the mission of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, the purpose of Mid-America College is to conduct associate and baccalaureate programs to prepare students to take their place as effective Christian leaders in their chosen professions, who serve with integrity, intelligence, and compassion.

In response to the distinct training needs among Southern Baptists, the Seminary offers the following programs: associate, bachelor of arts, bachelor of science, master of arts, master of divinity, doctor of ministry, and doctor of philosophy. Certificate programs are also available in Biblical Counseling.

Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary desires to glorify Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This purpose is achieved by:

  • Teaching the Bible as the verbally-inspired Word of God, wholly without error as originally given by God, and sufficient as our infallible rule of faith and practice;
  • Maintaining high academic standards and promoting reverent scholarship;
  • Teaching that people should be faithful in the Lord’s service through the local church;
  • Demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit as His gifts are exercised; and
  • Training people to evangelism at home and cross culturally.

To all the world for Jesus’ sake…Lift high the Cross, His love proclaim, Mid-America bear His name.

Mid-America Alma Mater